Pet Peeves

Here, I release my best Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake!” persona. I showcase a less-congenial side of myself while embracing the inner man who gets easily annoyed by random acts of uncommon sense (willfully intended or not), i.e. Pet Peeves. We all have them.

Take for example Pet Peeve #1. Society has this amazing thing called a “car”, which you can drive. It is inconceivable to me, how a person has the brains to operate this awesome piece of machinery with such power, but can’t figure out how to use a turn signal.

And if you don’t know why you should use a turn signal… I can’t help you. But I can give you a clue that starts with “common” and ends with “courtesy”. Don’t believe in that? that is a whole other issue on its own

Pet Peeve #2 – Doctor Visits

Oh, this is a biggie. Going to the doctors after being told to show up 15 minutes early, only to wait an additional 1/2 hour or more while the doctor is”busy” with another patient. **cough, B.S. cough!**

What they’re actually doing is chillin’ in their office, putting golf balls into a glass, or chatting away on the phone with their BFF.

Then, when approached by the secretary who reminds them Mr. X has been waiting in the lobby for an hour, they become annoyed.

Doctor: Tell him I am with a patient! (goes back to putting golf balls into a glass).

In my rising-to-boiling-point hysteria, as I flip the pages of their 4-year old magazines faster and more peevishly, I imagine all the office staff, Doctors included, crouched behind a slightly opened door, peeking at me, giggling with delight over my increasing rage.

There’s no other pet peeve that drives me crazier, like waiting in a Doctor’s office.

Pet Peeve #3 – Today’s Headlines

The “news” isn’t so much about news anymore, it’s more about having a clickbait-headline. If you can actually get a person to stop, that is step one. If you can get a person to stop and click, feeding the data-collecting beast, you are nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. If you can get someone to stop and actually read for 30 seconds, you’re nominated for “Journalist of the Year”. Writers of these headlines… I have no clue who they are, or where they come from; Ivy League grads perhaps. Regardless, these headlines created to “wow” you are akin to an (supposedly) intellectually-superior humanoid (2020) going back to the ice age and taunting a Neanderthal man with a cheeseburger, wanting to lure him into a booby-trap, while hoping to capture him for scientific research.

Journalism in 2020:

Human – want – cheeseburger? Come, (stupid) human… click bait-link…get reward.

Today’s headlines are so pathetically condescending to the concept of an evolving, intelligent, human race. It’s like we’ve taken a giant collective emotional step backwards. Sad, really. 


Pet Peeves #4 – Thomas English Muffins

The freakin’ Thomas English Muffins. I love T.E.M’s, but they flat-out piss me off. Why do I have to clean up after eating one muffin? It should be a cut and dried case: 1) take muffin out; 2) cut muffin; 3) put muffin in the toaster; 4) take muffin out; 5) butter muffin; 6) enjoy. No, it’s not that at all… it’s more: 1) take muffin out; 2) cut muffin open, 3) have a million little muffin tag-alongs fall all over the counter, stove and/or floor; 4) rewipe stove; 5) regret having a black stove for that one reason alone. My god – this is 2020, we can send rovers to Mars, but we can’t have a muffin without having to bring out the dustpan. Hire someone, a professional muffin-duster to wipe down every muffin before it leaves the factory. Be proactive, T.E.M.’s.

**That is not my only beef with T.E.M, or any muffin really. Why do they require a longer time in the toaster than other breads, bagels included?

P.P. #5 – Commenting on my Eating Habits

I am respectful and careful in public not to be gross, or a slob when I eat. I have a certain eating decorum which would fit in most establishments & households throughout the world. So why do you feel the necessity, to let me know…

Person: Oh, you eat that food every day, or, you order the same food, or you are eating pizza again, you must like pizza!

No, I’m eating pizza again because my doctor said I was not obese enough and I needed to add a few more layers of fat! I’m about to bite into the one thing today that is keeping me sane, please stick to your own food business! I don’t comment about your eating habits – why do you have to comment about mine? If I want to have friggin’ tacos for breakfast, I am having friggin’ tacos for breakfast! By the way, Taco Bell, why can I get breakfast in the afternoon but not lunch in the morning? Please start serving regular beef tacos for breakfast, W.O.C. would appreciate it (:

Pet Peeves #6- Food Tease

Ever fall in love with a particular food that you loved so much it was a joy to live? Then one day you go to order such food from the drive-thru, only to find the one item you love more than any other breakfast item has been “Discontinued!” That’s just great. Get people addicted to your food, then make them go cold turkey with only dreams of one day in HEAVEN their fav food will be back for the rest of their eternal lives.

Spanish Omelet Bagel Breakfast Sandwich was the closest thing to great food I have ever tasted at McDonald’s. It was not an every day lovefest between us, but it was special love… She was the one who would always be there waiting for me if other loves failed me.But the bastards took her from me!

Pet Peeve #7 – Institutional Hypocrisy

I just love it when a Company, any Company, preaches to me their Corporate values on life, as if I am the dumbest m*********** to walk this planet!

Before I continue my sarcastic rant, let me pause to thank my potato chip company for reminding me to be kind today (see pic). I know I would have forgotten to do so, had I luckily not been eating barbeque-flavored chips for breakfast (chased down with a 16 ounce Pabst Blue Ribbon).

Just to make sure that I didn’t forget this profound life advice, I wrote it down on a sticky note and plastered it on my forehead before walking out the door. And by god, it worked too! I did remember to be kind! The first person I saw, who was a complete stranger, I stopped and asked him, “Sir- how are you feeling?”

Though I am not sure if his response, “Piss off!” was the advice written on his morning bag of potato chips… I took his advice.

Institutional hypocrisy is a disease! Beer or liquor companies telling us to be responsible, or a shoe company preaching life ethics, is pathologically corrupt; not to mention surreal.

It’s twisted virtuous falseness, often referred to as marketing prowess, which really just pumps out more B.S. than a Texas LongHorn Steer after a night of binge eating Chalupa Supreme Tacos at Taco Bell.

All I can say is, thank you to all you corporations out there for showing the way. Had it not been for your concern that I should “care” more, like you do, which you delivered through your righteous marketing ploy, then by god – I don’t think I would have ever thought of to be so socially conscious.

Corporate hypocrisy pisses me off to no end! Bring back the Mom & Pop shops!  #Bringbackthemom&popshops.

(Facetious) Disclaimer:

Eating barbeque-flavored chips chased with beer for breakfast should be taken into consideration as part of a well-balanced diet 🙂

W.O.C. in no way encourages excessive use of alcoholic beverages, or other recreational narcotics to numb the senses… (that is until a reasonable age is reached and you realize the harsh reality that you are just a tiny little screw in the Mack Truck of life).

Pet Peeves #8 –***** Your Gone Viral!

 Speaking of hashtags, I can’t stand the term “gone viral”. That phrase galls the s*** out of me! Not only is the phrase annoying as hell, it’s so overused. Who the hell gets to determine something has gone viral anyway? Just more media cow dung.

 Oh, hey everyone, W.O.C. has gone viral! …. we’re so special and the whole world will now listen to our life advice!

 B.B.T.O.* … what shall we tell the world to help everyone see the light and to get  them to be more conscious productive members of society?

 How about this nugget of saneness…

 “You don’t tug on Superman’s cape… you don’t spit into the wind … you don’t pull the mask off that Old Lone Ranger, and, you don’t mess around with Jim!”*

 Now that is sound advice I can reason with!   

 *B.B.T.O – Brains Behind The Operation

 *You don’t mess around with Jim -written by Jim Croce. 


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