
The title pretty much says it all. Here, along with Real Talk is where you will find the Heart of W.O.C. If I have one talent in this world, it’s the ability to create stories that reflect an offbeat point of view which has been formulated by years of observation and good ol’ fashion growing pains. Stories, unlike Real Talk, is where I purposefully write to entertain through a vivid imagination, and plain common sense. Beyond the entertainment value of my storytelling, I seek to establish empathy, as well as educate people about things in life, the roots of which are often unfamiliar. Take for example the expression, “Bat-shit crazy.” How did that expression come to be? What does it actually mean? Within my storytelling, I often deviate from the main topic to provide insight on things, thus creating a small story within a larger story. My stories are real, imagined, or a combination of both.


Jesus the Stand-Up Comic

Jesus the Stand-Up Comic

Most everyone has their own deity, I would assume, who they feel comfortable calling upon in navigating through the crazy maze of human existence. Me personally, as I have stated in other writings, define myself as spiritual, i.e… moralistically caring. I don’t adhere to anyone’s particular denomination as being the final gospel on what God is, or who God isn’t.

Jesus the Stand-Up Comic

Jesus the Stand-Up Comic

Most everyone has their own deity, I would assume, who they feel comfortable calling upon in navigating through the crazy maze of human existence. Me personally, as I have stated in other writings, define myself as spiritual, i.e… moralistically caring. I don’t adhere to anyone’s particular denomination as being the final gospel on what God is, or who God isn’t.

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