Back in the day, there was a T.V. series called “The Incredible Hulk”, starring Bill Baxter and Lou Ferrigno. I loved the opening of this show (and yes I am revealing my age), because it perfectly represented the hidden rage in man that can come out at any time. In this case, the mild-mannered scientist  (Bill Baxter) was caught in a downpour while struggling to change a flat tire.

*Hulk T.V. Series Reference:

At one point, he busts a lug nut and that was it, in the next instant, his eyes bug out, he Hulks out his shirt, transforms into the Incredible Hulk and promptly tosses his car upside down into a ditch.

*Hulk T.V. Series Reference:

Explain that one to your insurance company. 

I still get a kick out of that scene because that is how helpless life makes me feel sometimes. I actually saw this scenario play out live one time when eating my lunch at a park in Washington D.C. near the Potomac River; except the scenario had a twist to it. I was working at a restaurant in the city at the time. To beat the traffic, I would drive in early, park by the waterfront, and just chill before my shift.

This one particular day, I saw a guy was trying to assemble a windsurf board – but it was giving him fits. Something about the parts was off, and he couldn’t figure it out for the life of him. He was getting more and more frustrated by the minute. It was a classic Freudian observation – me, watching a subject through a glass cage, lose his cool. Bear in mind, he is out in public with people walking past. At one point he begins screaming, first at himself, then at the board itself. I knew I was in for a treat then. He was Hulking-out right before my eyes. As he continued to struggle putting the windsurf together, he ups the ante and starts cussing: “You f****** Asshole!” proceeded by wild screeching, trapped-animal sounds.

This caught the attention of a woman who was casually walking past. With a sense of genuine empathy, she politely interrupted the man and said, “Excuse me, can I help you with anything?” The man turned to her, and on a dime, he un-Hulked himself responding with the calmest voice ever, “No, I’m fine”, as if he didn’t have a care in the world and if he hadn’t been screaming profanities at his windsurf board 15 seconds earlier. It was classic to behold! It was like looking into a mirror.

I have on occasion, been so frustrated with life’s obstacles. One day, I came home and hit the message button on my answering machine – which I had placed on the floor next to my front door (tells you how fancy the place was fixed up). I forget what the message was, but it triggered my sense of helplessness in life and I wound up doing a tap dance on the poor machine.

Reference: Tech Dummies (MTDs)

I shouldn’t have… but you know what? I felt better. I know what some people are thinking, I have anger issues. However, I’m not a violent person, but sometimes in life, it just gets to be too much and you have to let out the steam in a healthy way. Or at least in a way where no one gets hurt – like the Hulk, who flipped HIS car with no one around. Of course, he couldn’t explain to the cops why his clothes were torn to shreds, nor how his car came to be laying on its roof in a ditch – but I’m sure he felt better.

Written by: T.K.

Chief Editor: Jade L.

 *Hulk T.V. Series Reference:

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