

When historians look back to reference that point in time where Western civilization officially began its decline, they will have a long list of surreal events to debate over; of which the following three gems could easily be considered for top honors. This...
Dressed to Kill

Dressed to Kill Can you be dressed for success and dressed to kill at the same time? I’m not so certain the two are compatible. I do know however, that I would not wish to accidentally bump into someone dressed to kill as...
Get Your Ship Together

Get Your Ship Together

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay I’ve never had my ship together, ever! Everytime I attempt to get my ship together, part of me inevitably sails off. Be it an emotional, social, physical, spiritual, sexual, or a financial issue, inevitably someone sits in the corner all...
Happy New Year (?)

Happy New Year (?)

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash Have you ever asked yourself how certain adjectives got attached to certain holidays?  Take for example New Year’s greetings. Why is it necessary for the New Year to always be Happy? Why is it necessary for Christmas to always be Merry?...


Photo by Naveen Kumar on Unsplash Life gives hard lessons, and they often come with a price. Literally. I speak, of course, from experience. Take for example the hard lesson my friend Luke and I learned, from all things, badminton.   At the time, Luke and I were both...
Missed Opportunity

Missed Opportunity

*Photo by Lucian Alexe on Unsplash. Enclosed is a real email I received from the Papa John’s Pizza chain. The email was in response to an order I had placed. It was the first time I had ordered pizza from them since I don’t know how long, so I’m not exactly a...